I know, I know.
My first new post in a month, already. Time flies when you're getting acclimated to a new job.
Speaking of which, it's going well. Good stuff.
I have a few blog posts arranging themselves in my head, and I'll try to get them all posted by Monday. Hopefully, I'll be able to get that done. I'm also tossing around ideas for a book. I've wanted to write one since I learned how to hold a pencil, and now I'm finally going over it. I just have to decide where to start. Hm.
In other news, tomorrow I'm going to the L.A. Times Book Festival at UCLA. I am really looking forward to it, and the panel lectures and discussions I'm planning to attend. One especially has peaked my interest, about the middle east. Reza Aslan is scheduled to be part of the panel, which should be great. I'm working my way through his book, No God But God, and I always enjoy seeing him on CNN. I love people who can have an argument or spirited discussion without resorting to screaming, yelling, interrupting, and other such nonsense. What I know about the situations in the middle east wouldn't fill a thimble, so this will be a great opportunity to learn. Not to mention, an excuse to buy more books. Like I need those anymore. Ha!
There are marches scheduled for Monday throughout Los Angeles. The whole immigration debate is becoming tiresome. Admittedly, our system, and I use the term loosely, needs to be reworked. However, that does not excuse the exorbitant number of illegals currently residing here. Dear old Shrub is fond of saying they do jobs Americans won't do. No, Dear Shrub, that is incorrect. Americans will, and do, do those jobs -- but we draw the line at less than minimum wage and slophouse working conditions. Irksome, I know, but there you are.
I think some of the more vocal immigration proponents are forgetting one vital piece of information with regards to this whole brouhaha -- no one is upset about immigration, nor is anyone upset about people wanting to live here. What many people object to, myself included, is illegal immigration. We simply do not have the resources to support the entire populations of certain countries in the central and southern Americas. We don't have the resources to take care of our own citizens! 46 million, including me, with no health insurance and therefore no access to quality medical care, is a disgrace. But I digress. We cannot allow our country to be turned into Little Mexico. If you want to come here, fine -- but do it legally! Yes, you have to follow our laws. No, you do not get preferential treatment above someone else who has been working and doing things the right way just because you holler about immigrants' rights. We cannot allow any sort of blanket amnesty for illegals. Ronald Reagan did it, and it dodn't work. Why in the world would Shrub think it will work this time around? This whole "amnesty" crap cannot be allowed. It is a slap in the face to every single person who has ever come to this country legally.
Anderson Cooper will be in L.A. covering the whole mess on his show at least through Tuesday, so check it out if you can. 10pm est on CNN. Also keep an eye out for his new book, Dispatches From the Edge, scheduled to be released in May, and signings to follow.
And on that note, I have to get some sleep before getting up for work at 4am. More tomorrow. Perhaps it will even be coherent. :)
My first new post in a month, already. Time flies when you're getting acclimated to a new job.
Speaking of which, it's going well. Good stuff.
I have a few blog posts arranging themselves in my head, and I'll try to get them all posted by Monday. Hopefully, I'll be able to get that done. I'm also tossing around ideas for a book. I've wanted to write one since I learned how to hold a pencil, and now I'm finally going over it. I just have to decide where to start. Hm.
In other news, tomorrow I'm going to the L.A. Times Book Festival at UCLA. I am really looking forward to it, and the panel lectures and discussions I'm planning to attend. One especially has peaked my interest, about the middle east. Reza Aslan is scheduled to be part of the panel, which should be great. I'm working my way through his book, No God But God, and I always enjoy seeing him on CNN. I love people who can have an argument or spirited discussion without resorting to screaming, yelling, interrupting, and other such nonsense. What I know about the situations in the middle east wouldn't fill a thimble, so this will be a great opportunity to learn. Not to mention, an excuse to buy more books. Like I need those anymore. Ha!
There are marches scheduled for Monday throughout Los Angeles. The whole immigration debate is becoming tiresome. Admittedly, our system, and I use the term loosely, needs to be reworked. However, that does not excuse the exorbitant number of illegals currently residing here. Dear old Shrub is fond of saying they do jobs Americans won't do. No, Dear Shrub, that is incorrect. Americans will, and do, do those jobs -- but we draw the line at less than minimum wage and slophouse working conditions. Irksome, I know, but there you are.
I think some of the more vocal immigration proponents are forgetting one vital piece of information with regards to this whole brouhaha -- no one is upset about immigration, nor is anyone upset about people wanting to live here. What many people object to, myself included, is illegal immigration. We simply do not have the resources to support the entire populations of certain countries in the central and southern Americas. We don't have the resources to take care of our own citizens! 46 million, including me, with no health insurance and therefore no access to quality medical care, is a disgrace. But I digress. We cannot allow our country to be turned into Little Mexico. If you want to come here, fine -- but do it legally! Yes, you have to follow our laws. No, you do not get preferential treatment above someone else who has been working and doing things the right way just because you holler about immigrants' rights. We cannot allow any sort of blanket amnesty for illegals. Ronald Reagan did it, and it dodn't work. Why in the world would Shrub think it will work this time around? This whole "amnesty" crap cannot be allowed. It is a slap in the face to every single person who has ever come to this country legally.
Anderson Cooper will be in L.A. covering the whole mess on his show at least through Tuesday, so check it out if you can. 10pm est on CNN. Also keep an eye out for his new book, Dispatches From the Edge, scheduled to be released in May, and signings to follow.
And on that note, I have to get some sleep before getting up for work at 4am. More tomorrow. Perhaps it will even be coherent. :)