Akasha's Musings

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Job Hunting.

Well kids, the proverbial shit has hit the fan, and I'm looking for a new job.

I have a voiceover demo that will be done on Wednesday, so there's that, but as it's acting related, counting on it is too terrifying to fathom.

Not to mention how blatantly idiotic that would be.

I do have an interview at a temp agency, and I'm far from stupid, so that should yield something.

All the same, I'm open to suggestions for the college educated.

Saturday, February 25, 2006


Why is it, when you work in customer service, people feel it's okay to call in and say you did things you didn't do?

Things that put your job in jeopardy?

Do they think it's funny?

A joke?

Do they feel better now because they have enough power to get someone fired?

Writing as someone on the bad end of this one, I can tell you, it ain't great. The problem is that most businesses assume the "customer is always right" (what crap) and don't take the worker's position into account.

For example. Someone says they waited for 10 minutes to be acknowledged. Um, no. Don't think so. Not when I walk by you every five seconds.

I sincerely hope when the boss gets a hold of these people, he realizes they just want something for free and refuses to accomodate them.

I'm not holding my breath.

But I've been wrong before, and maybe I'm wrong this time as well. Who knows. But having your boss call you and tell you not to come in to work really sucks. Beyond that, it's scary. If I didn't need a job, I wouldn't have one. I wish I didn't need one. C'est la vie.

I really hope some work in my chosen field materializes soon, because I can't take much more of this.


I admitted it.


sigh. . . I wish.

From my fingertips to God's eyes and ears -- please let my chosen field yield paying work so I can quit this other stuff that's smothering me!

We'll see, but I'm hopeful. Something has to happen soon.

I'll post something intelligent and worth reading in a bit.

Friday, February 24, 2006

You know, I think they may be on to something.

I borrowed this little gem from my dear friend Marius over at Marius' Corner. :)

Have you been as confused as I have, about what exactly is being said in Washington? Now, finally, we get the help we need...

A Dictionary for Republicanisms

alternative energy sources n. New locations to drill for gas and oil.
[Peter Scholz, Fort Collins, CO]

bankruptcy n. A punishable crime when committed by poor people but not corporations.
[Beth Thielen, Studio City, Calif.]

"burning bush" n. A biblical allusion to the response of the President of the United States.
When asked a question by a journalist who has not been paid to inquire.
[Bill Moyers, New York, NY]

Cheney, Dick n. The greater of two evils.
[Jacob McCullar, Austin, Tex.]

class warfare n. Any attempt to raise the minimum wage.
[Don Zweir, Grayslake, Ill.]

climate change n. The blessed day when the blue states are swallowed by the oceans.
[Ann Klopp, Princeton, NJ]

compassionate conservatism n. Poignant concern for the very wealthy
(Lawrence Sandek, Twin Peaks, Calif.]

creationism n. Pseudoscience that claims George W. Bush's resemblance to a chimpanzee is totally coincidental
[Brian Sweeney, Providence, RI].

DeLay, Tom n. 1. Past tense of De Lie
[Rick Rodstrom, Los Angeles, Calif.].
2. Patronage saint
[Andrew Magni, Nonatum, Mass.].

extraordinary rendition n.! Outsourcing torture
[Milton Feldon, Laguna Woods, Calif.].

faith n. The stubborn belief that God approves of Republican moral values despite the preponderance of textual evidence to the contrary
[Matthew Polly, Topeka, Kans.].

free markets n. Halliburton no-bid contracts at taxpayer expense
[Sean O'Brian, Chicago, Ill.].

girly men n. Males who do not grope women inappropriately
[Nick Gill, Newton, Mass.].

God n. Senior presidential adviser
[Martin Richard, Belgrade, Mont.].

growth n. 1. The justification for tax cuts for the rich.
2. What happens to the national debt when Republicans cut taxes on the rich
(Matthew Polly, Topeka, Kans.].

healthy forest n. No tree left behind
[Dan McWilliams, Santa Barbara, Calif.].

honesty n. Lies told in simple declarative sentences--e.g., "Freedom is on the march"
[Katrina vanden Heuvel, New York, NY].

House of Representatives n. Exclusive club; entry fee $1 million to $5 million (See Senate)
[Adam Hochschild, San Francisco, Calif.].

laziness n. When the poor are not working
[Justin Rezzonico, Keene, Ohio].

leisure time n. When the wealthy are not working
[Justin Rezzonico, Keene, Ohio].

liberal(s) n. Followers of the Antichrist
[Ann Wegher, Montello, Wisc.].

No Child Left Behind riff. 1. v. There are always jobs in the military
[Ann Klopp, Princeton, NJ].
2. n. The rapture
[Samantha Hess, Cottonwood, Ariz.]

ownership society n. A civilization where 1 percent of the population controls 90 percent of the wealth
[Michael Albert, Piscataway, NJ].

Patriot Act n. 1. The pre-emptive strike on American freedoms to prevent the terrorists from destroying them first.
2. The elimination of one of the reasons why they hate us
[Michael Thomas, Socorro, NM].

pro-life adj. Valuing human life up until birth
[Kevin Weaver, San Francisco, Calif.].

Senate n. Exclusive club; entry fee $10 million to $30 million
[Adam Hochschild, San Francisco, Calif.].

simplify v. To cut the taxes of Republican donors
[Katrina vanden Heuvel, New York, NY].

staying the course interj. Slang. Saying and doing the same stupid thing over and over, regardless of the result
[Suzanne Smith, Ann Arbor, Mich.].

stuff happens interj. Slang. Donald Rumsfeld as master historian
[Sheila and Chalmers Johnson, San Diego, Calif.].

voter fraud n. A significant minority turnout
[Sue Bazy, Philadelphia, Pa.].

woman n. 1. Person who can be trusted to bear a child but can't be trusted to decide whether or not she wishes to have the child.
2. Person who must have all decisions regarding her reproductive functions made by men with whom she wouldn't want to have sex in the first place
[Denise Clay, Philadelphia, Pa.].

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Beyond a National Disgrace.

Unbelievable. Read this article at the Huffington Post blog.

Some bastard has ordered the National Guard to help the New Orleans Police evict Katrina evacuees from their hotel rooms. According to one guard member quoted in the article, these people weren't even allowed to collect their belongings. They're being herded onto a train to. . . where?! Well, maybe it's a train, maybe it's buses, but does it matter? Is this the United States of America? I want to know who authorized this travesty. Then I want that person's resignation, post haste, and said person in a courtroom.

To say this is disgraceful does not do it justice.

I sent an email regarding this to CNN, here's hoping they blow this mess clear out of the water.

Editing to add that lawsuits have been filed to stop the evictions. That's a step -- but I still want to know what idiot authorized it in the first place.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

I'm new at this blog thing, so y'all will have to be patient with me. :)

I'm collecting applications for graduate school next year. Technically it'll be for the year after, since I've missed this year's cutoff date. I'm still deciding what and where. Writing? Acting? Try journalism again? Stay in L.A.? Try for Yale? I guess it's a good thing I still have a year to get things in order before applications will come due.

What I'm sure of is I don't want to stay where I am at the moment. Nothing wrong with it, it's just not what I want to do for any length of time, and I've been doing it long enough. So, I've decided to branch out from stage and on camera to voice over. A friend of mine is going to put together a demo for me, and has already been an immense help. With any luck, my voice will be marketable and sell well, and I'll be able to really afford to entertain the idea of graduate school. Should make for an interesting year.

I'm going to keep this little blog of mine low on the radar for a bit, as I'm not sure I want my real name and/or likeness floating about just yet. That may change, we'll have to wait and see how things pan out.

In keeping with the backward theme of this little post of mine, I'll let you in on a bit about li'l `ol me. As you've no doubt deduced by this point, I'm trying to eke out a career as an actor. I prefer theatre to on camera, which does indeed beg the question,

"What are you doing in L.A.?"

Finances. Pure and simple. New York, despite the presence of myriad theatres and the oh-so-talented and handsome Anderson Cooper(love the snarky humor even more), remains out of reach. I thought rent in L.A. was ridiculous, it's even worse in NYC. And it gets bloody cold there! Anything under 75, I need a sweater. Sad, I know. But I digress.

I love to read, anything I can get my hands on. I have about 1,000 books in my apartment, not including what I have stashed at my parents' house, and counting. I'm not a big TV watcher
(I know, I know), but I like Law and Order, especially SVU, Criminal Minds, CSI, Commander in Chief, National Geographic (they have their own channel now -- oh, happy day!), TLC, Discovery (when it's not some crap about sports or cars), Animal Planet, History, Bravo. I'm also a CNN junkie, and if I ever have the TV on for an extended period of time, chances are that's what I'm watching. Despite my fondness for the aforementioned Mr. Cooper, I rarely get to see his program. I work nights, and the west coast re-airing starts too early for me to catch it. Oh well. I should be in bed by that time anyway.

I welcome your comments, though it'd be nice if they'd stay on the sane side. If not sane, then intelligent, with a point and/or a well rounded argument. Otherwise, you get the delete key. :)